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LVG Training Tip 4: Run a routine.

Training -

LVG Training Tip 4: Run a routine.

Building a consistent pre-shot routine is critical in order to be able to expect results from your work.

If you always do things differently, you're setting things up to fail.

Be safe, be methodical, minimise extra crud.

When beginning, make a list, write things down that work and are important. Once you have a fair idea what you want... Make that check list a memory.

Things I work through looks something like:

- Check magazine is seated correctly
- Chamber a round, apply safety, press check to ensure the rifle picked one up.
- Check elevation dope, check parallax for range, check scope level.
- Assess the wind, check sling tension, check and adjust leg position for correct height behind rifle.
- Isolate trigger finger, set safety to fire, check wind and apply relevant wind hold.
- Finger on trigger, check and adjust wind hold, fire the round, solid follow through, watch impact....
- Consolidate, learn from your impact, apply changes as required and go from there.

Get out there, use your kit, test and adjust systems. Be more efficient.


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