Away In the USA for IPRF Worlds 8-22 SEP. Orders will be processed ASAP upon return. Thanks mates!
News update

A-Tacs Camo, Armageddon Gear -

News update

We are back from the USA now, had a productive trip. We took a trip down to visit our friends at Armageddon Gear in Georgia. We moved forward with a couple of ideas there that will be excellent, more to follow. We will also be bringing in some additional products from AG in the next order that will be well suited to the Australian shooter. We sat down with Tom and Missy to have a few cans of their 'WindCheater Ale', shame we can't import it into Aus! Excellent company, great people - As always, if you are chasing anything from AG let us know and we will put it in the next arrival.

Caught up with the excellent people at A-TACS who are also based in Georgia. The lads there are extremely receptive to progression and growth in our direction so we are going to be introducing their brand new AU-X pattern (clothing in AU-X seen below, load bearing gear and hat in IX) as soon as the fabric is available to replace Kryptek in all products! This will be an outstanding pattern that we are really excited about.

AU-X is a modernised version of the original AU pattern, with a similar digital 'tiger stipe' type effect that blends exceptionally well in drier areas, this will be a pinnacle pattern and absolutely something to keep an eye on! 

With that, we have another roll of 500 Denier A-Tacs iX fabric on it's way from the USA right now so will be re-opening all products up to order shortly as it gets closer to being delivered. We got caught out just before leaving with a couple of solid orders that smashed our supplies. We apologise for any inconvenience that caused... Not to worry, we will have plenty more shortly.

We didn't get to see everyone we wanted to see, timings were hard to match up with so much going on and everyone being spread out so far. We will return!

We honestly APPRECIATE your patience and support during the stand down, very smooth transition so thanks for that.

Hope you are all well, take care.




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